Friday 26 April 2013

Essays for Kids

My Dream

Dreams are always good to have. Every one enjoys them. Every one has a different dream. I have a dream that one day there would be peace every where. My mother-land would be a peaceful place to live in. I have a dream that one day my country-men would be free. They would be free from ignorance, poverty and disease. I have a dream that my country would be free from alien influence. I have a dream that there would be prosperity in my country. I have a dream that one day my country would be self-sufficient. I have a dream that one day my nation would be a proud one in the comity of nations.

Good Manners

The word “Manners” means “ways of acting or behaving”. Nations are recognized by their traditions and manners. Good nations have good manners. Ours is a good nation. We have good manners. We have our own habits and manners. We are clean people and we like clean habits and manners. We respect our elders. We respect our teachers. We behave properly. It is a fact that some of us don’t behave well. They are sometimes rude and proud. But, literacy is bringing a rapid change in society. We are hopeful for a better change. The other thing is that the number of such people is ignorable. Thus, we have good manners.

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