Thursday 25 April 2013

Security Problems in Pakistan/ Terrorism in Pakistan/ Suicide Attacks/ Suicidal Bombing in Pakistan

  1. Introduction, 2. A little bit of background, 3. Present Situation, 4. The remedy if any, 5. Closing

Life in Pakistan is at risk. Every one’s life is insecure. Nobody knows as to when some mishap takes place. Every time you leave your house, you are running a risk. Newspapers carry the stories of bomb blasts. Most of them are suicide bombing. If we tune television on channels, there is talk on terrorism. There are reports about suicide bombing. Then drone attacks are there.
If we look at the past few years, this fact will be clear as to how and as to when this trouble came on us. There was nothing of this sort till Lal Masjid operation in our country. In that cruel incident, hundreds of innocent children were killed mercilessly. First of all, water and gas were disconnected. Then brutality was carried out, shedding the blood of innocent people.
Present situation in our motherland is open to all. World Cup 2011 was to be held in Pakistan. It has been shifted to India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Other countries are not willing to send their teams here. Australia has refused to play in Pakistan. Similarly, England and New Zealand have adopted the same stand. India was already annoyed because of Mumbai Attacks. This is the case of other countries. Even we in Pakistan are not safe. Bomb blasts are there in Peshawar and then in Lahore or Karachi. Even Rawalpindi and Islamabad are not safe.
The situation is becoming bad to worse day by day. The question is “Can or can’t we check this trouble?” The solution to this problem is simply one and that is to free ourselves from the slavery of America. If we refuse to obey American dictation, we can do so. Situation in Iraq before American aggression was peaceful. Then with American aggression, things changed. Now there are repeatedly bomb blasts in Iraq every day. Situation in Afghanistan is not different. Iran refused to obey America, there is peace. Things there are comparatively far better.
With the only remedy cited above, we can free our country from this havoc. America has enslaved our leaders but our people are free. There is hatred against America every where in the world. Why is our government unaware of this fact? In fact they know each and every thing. But they don’t have the wealth of faith in Allah. We can only pray for the betterment of our dear homeland.                      

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