Thursday 2 May 2013

Questions Answers

Questions Answers Based on

B. Sc.

1. The Damned Human Race      by: Mark Twain

Q. 1: Man is usually called ‘the highest animal’ on the basis of intelligence. What are the specific traits that make him the ‘the lowest animal’ for Twain?
Q. 2: Point out some of the examples of political and religious atrocities referred to in the essay by the author? Has Twain gone over-board here? Does man deserve this attack?

            Mark Twain is a famous American writer. He has studied man’s nature scientifically. He has also studied the nature of animals. He has come to conclude that man is the worst of all the creatures. To prove his point, he gives the following examples.
            In the first place, he says that man is cruel. He invents complex devices to inflict pain and suffering to other living beings, including his fellow-beings. He gouges out eyes of his enemies. He brands the animals and men with red hot iron. Such rough and cruel treatment is not found in animals.
            In the second place, the writer says that man is greedy. His greed and selfishness causes his degradation. He boards money and wants more and more. But, animals are satisfied with the little they have.
            In the third place, the writer says that man is a sexual beast. He marries many women at a time. The animals are modest in the expression of sexual passions. The writer gives the example of cats and roosters etc. Vulgarity and obscenity is found in man alone.
            In the fourth place, the writer says that man is a fighting animal. Man is the only animal who has invented war. He drives his enemies out of his country. Animals are engaged in individual fights only.
            In the fifth place, the writer says that man is a slave. He enslaves others and is enslaved by others. Animals, on the other hand, do not have slaves.
            In the sixth place, the writer says that man is religious. He does not tolerate if others go against his faith. Animals do not have any religion.
            In the seventh place, the writer says that man has no moral sense. Animals learn through experience, but man does not.
            In the light of the above, the writer concludes that man has not improved. We see that this essay was written in 1900’s, but it is true even now after a century’s time. Man has not improved even after more than one hundred years.

                                                                                                (338 Words)


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