Thursday 30 January 2014

AIOU B.A. Assignment, Autumn 2013

1424, Autumn 2013

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Assignment # 1,
Q. 1. Answers to the questions
  1. What is descriptive essay? Ans. See page 6 of your text book.
  2. What is a compare and contrast essay? Ans. See page 6/bottom
  3. What is a cause and effect essay? Ans. See page 7
Q. 2. Read the following three short texts and identify which one is a descriptive, compare and contrast and cause and effect text.
  1. Is a cause and effect text,
  2. Is a descriptive text,
  3. Is a compare and contrast text.
Q. 3. Write a descriptive paragraph on cultural event of Pakistan.
Ans. Write from your assignment page 2, para about Urs of Syed Ali bin Usman Hajveri.
Q. 4. Exercise # 6, from page 53
Ans. The first Mughal king was Babur who was born in Ferghana in 1483. Babur was a descendant of Genghis Khan and Taimur. In 1526, Babur defeated the Sultan of Delhi, Ibrahim Lodhic. So, the Mughal Empire started its long reign in 1526 and lasted until 1857.
Q. 5. A Day in the life of a Car Mechanic
A car mechanic’s life is very hard. He usually gets up late as he keeps awake till late. When he gets up, he starts his day’s work. He cleans his tools. He sweeps before his shop. Then he is ready to do his job. During his day’s work, he meets with different customers. He checks the motor vehicles brought to him. He solves the problem and gets his wages. Sometimes, he puts cheap quality tools and charges big prices from his customers. He is usually late for his lunch. It is because if he is busy with work, he can’t fine to have his lunch timely. Dealing with different people and setting cars right, he stops his work late at night. In this way his day’s work ends and he takes a rest.  
Q. 6. Filling in the Table
Date and place of birth
March 23, 1923, Shikarpur.
B. A. from …. .and year….
D.J. College, Karachi, 1945.
LLB in year
Started his career as a lawyer from… in year
Sukkur, 1952
Served as v/c of Sindh University from   to 
Jan. 1976 to Jan. 1980.
Began writing poetry at the age of
Jailed first time in ….and second in …..
May 1971 to Jan. 1972
Died and buried at……
died in Karachi. Buried at Bhit Shah,
Sheikh Ayaz Chair established at …year….
Sindh University in 1998.
Q. 7. Answers to questions on pollution
  1. Contamination of soil, water, or the atmosphere by the discharge of harmful substances, undesirable change in the air, water, and land is called pollution.
  2. Smoke, traffic, and burning of oils etc. are the causes of air pollution.
  3. Water pollution takes place when it rains and water runs off industrial areas etc and joins the rivers and sea.
  4. They are; hydrocarbons, heavy metals, herbicides, pesticides etc.
  5. Noise pollution damages the ear drums and causes loss of hearing. It also creates anxiety.
Q. 8. Exercise 10 from page 99
  1. A lenient teacher is the one who is not very fussy. An easy-going teacher takes things as they come. He doesn’t crib about things such as doing homework on time or sitting quietly in the class.
  2. I have experienced different kinds of teachers during my studies. I have seen lenient teachers and also strict ones. I have also seen funny teachers. I have experienced their different styles of teaching and I have always enjoyed their being what they are.
Q. 9. Causes and effects
  1. If there is lack of rain in the country, crops will suffer.
  2. If there is lawlessness in the country, there will be no peace, but crimes.
  3. If girls get education, they will be more useful for the country.
  4. If we save electricity, it will be better for the country.
  5. If there is no rigging in the elections, honest people would be elected.
Q. 10. Exercise 8, from page 124
  1. Mustafa works hard because he needs to earn money. Because he needs money, Mustafa works hard.
  2. All the employees will have a party because it is the chairman’s birthday. Because it is the chairman’s birthday, all the employees will have a party.
  3. DDT was banned in many countries because it is considered to be dangerous to animals and human beings. Because DDT was considered to be dangerous for animals and human beings, it was banned in many countries.
  4. The car will not start because the battery is dead. Because the battery is dead, the car will not start.
  5. The man was sent to prison because he robbed a bank. Because the man robbed a bank, he was sent to prison.
Q. 11. Exercise 11, from page 127
Mr. Salman was fired from job because there are three reasons. First, he was often absent from job. Second, he missed 30 working days last year. Then his personality was a problem. As a result of his strange personality, he was nasty to other employees. His performance was poor and at the same time, he did not follow the instructions of the boss. Consequently, he was sent home packing.
Assignment # 2
Q. 1. Compare and contrast exercise from page 152,
Transition words
Aero planes have long slender bodies with wings
On the other hand
Helicopters are different in shape with one moving wing
They travel extremely fast
Helicopters have slow speed.
They need a lot of space to take off
Helicopters don’t need much.
They take off horizontally and move in the forward direction only
Helicopters can take off and move in any direction.
They carry hundreds of passengers
Helicopters can carry only a few.

La Cuisine
Q. 2. Exercise 4, from page 155

Kind of food
French food
Italian food
Dinning rooms
Clean and elegant
Clean and elegant
Meals’ quality, price, taste
Carefully prepared, tasty with reasonable price
Carefully prepared, tasty with reasonable price
Behaviour of the staff
Friendly and polite
Friendly and polite
Open till late at night.
Open till late at night.
Q. 3. Exercise 8, from page 198, 99
Prediction words
  1. Flag lowering ceremony
  2. Two soldiers showing determination
  3. Standing alert
Related words
i. Soldiers,     ii. Uniform,    iii. Arms/guns,   iv. Border area
Paragraph: This is the border area. Two soldiers are standing alert, facing each other. They look well-determined and dutiful. One of them is Indian and the other Pakistani. No go area is seen in the back-ground. A barrier is also seen behind them. This is the flag lowering ceremony which is done every evening.
Q. 4. Exercise 12, from page 207
Five Statements and guess
Wash with similar colours at 40 C
Dyeing shop
No parking
Along a busy road
Gone to lunch back in 20!
Dear Sir/Madam! I’m writing to you to complain about..
Complaint office/ box
Add two eggs and stir until the mixture is smooth.
Cooking recipe

Q. 5. Implied Meaning and Making Inferences
Ans. Good readers know how to read between the lines. They see something or read something and make out its meaning. Sometimes, the writer writes one thing and means the other. It is called implied meaning. For example, a teacher says to the class, pointing to the late comer, “Correct your watches”. He means to say that the boy is well late.
Making inferences is different from implied meaning. We see or read something and guess its meaning. This is making inferences.
Q. 6. Exercise No. 2, from page 224/225
  1. Tahira likes to draw.
  2. School was very hard for Tahira in the beginning.
  3. Slowly and carefully, Tahira went to the front of the class-room.
  4. They were amazed at Tahira’s work.
  5. She felt very glad.
Q. 7. i). Definition of Denotations and Connotations
  1. Denotations refer to the literal or direct meaning of a word. It is the dictionary definition. For example, if you look up for the meaning of the word “snake”, in a dictionary, you will discover that its denotative or dictionary meaning is any of numerous scaly, legless, sometimes venomous reptiles, having a long tapering cylindrical body found in most tropical and temperate regions.
  2. Connotation refers to the associations that are connected to a certain word or the emotional suggestions related to that word. Connotations are actually the implied meanings of a word.
ii. Categories of words
Stubborn, Arrogant


Q. 8. Answering two questions
  1. Benefits of reading newspaper: Newspapers give us the latest news. We can take them with us and read at any time of the day. We can learn about the educational, sports, agricultural news of it. We can also find entertainment news. We can also know precautions about weather. Then prices of commodities are given. Sometimes, timings of prayers are also given.
  2. The main difference between the newspapers and TV is that one can watch live coverage on television which we can’t have on newspapers.
Q. 9. Buy and English newspaper and try the given topics yourself
Q. 10. Full words for acronyms
i. UN………….United Nations,    ii. OGDCL……Oil and Gas Development Co. Limited
iii. PNCA….Pakistan National Council of Arts,   iv. SHO…Station Head Officer,
v. PEMRA…..Pakistan Electronic Media Regulating Authority
Q. 11. Letter to editor about traffic mess in the city
Dear Editor,
The Waqt, daily, Lahore.
Sub: Traffic mess in our city
Traffic in our cities and towns is equally increasing day by day, causing serious problems and sometimes even fatal accidents. The same is here in our city Pattoki. Not to speak of rush hours only, there is a lot of traffic during day hours on almost all roads and streets of the city. One can’t imagine where does it come from.
The most sad aspect of the situation is that no traffic police officials are deputed on busy crossings. The result is that there is traffic jam for minutes and sometimes for hours, causing a lot of trouble for every body, on the road or at home waiting for their near ones and dear ones.
Through the columns of your esteemed paper, I would like to draw the attention of concerned authorities to  take necessary measure in this connection.
Faithfully yours,

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