Wednesday 1 January 2014

I Enjoy Winter Season, Do You?

I Enjoy Winter Season, Do You?
I Enjoy Every Season, do You?
Winter season is the season of death according to some English writers. It is because winter in European Countries is usually troubling. Birds die, trees and plants whither or die, colours disappear and there is only white colour every-where, where-ever you glance. Whistling of birds comes to an end. Thus, they believe that winter causes destruction in all directions and life seems to be frozen thereby.

Is it true? It may be true in your view and that of some others as well; yet I don’t have any view like that. On the other hand, I think this season, like other seasons of the year, has its own charms which we otherwise don’t find in other seasons.
I like all the seasons and hence the winter season. There may be known and some un-known reasons for my liking this season. I know that this season is particularly linked with dry fruit, hot boiled eggs, tea and coffee. Then colourful clothes we see in this season are not seen in other seasons. Warm clothes; including sweaters, pull-overs, coats, mufflers, caps and gaily coloured trousers or pants are seen in this season and they add to the beauty of the surroundings. Admitted that there is snow, lying thick in some of the countries, yet when there is snow or snow-fall, one can enjoy being together at home or a club or a restaurant.

The other peculiar thing about the winter season is its long nights. During summer, we usually get busy in worldly pursuits very much, ignoring our dear ones and near ones, waiting for us to be at home and enjoy our company. Then after day’s work, when you come back, you have little time to pay attention to the dear and near ones who might have been waiting for you to come and share their weal and woe. But, alas! You can’t have time, and you have to take rest as well.

I think, one must enjoy things around him. I am of the opinion, like William Davies that if you have no spare time, your life is futile, pointless and aimless. 

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