Saturday 1 March 2014

On Insurance, an article

On Insurance

There are many differences between humans and animals. They have different places to live, things to do and things to eat. They also have different things to drink and enjoy. Their means of joy also differ. Should we say that they have every thing different except for a few things?

Now, the main difference of all is care for future. Men do care but animals don’t. Man tries to improve his surroundings, his residence, his costumes, and his foods even. For this purpose, he goes on thinking and finding it out how to do so. If we compare today’s man with that of olden times, we can see that there is a lot of change, a big and almost un-believable revolution in the world of man. Man’s evolution started from caves and jungles to small huts in villages to present day splendid buildings and sky-scrapers.

With the passage of time, and with the spread of knowledge, use of technology, things improved so much so that the world is altogether changed. If a man not very olden times, but a century ago gets birth again, he will die of wonder; go made to see the progress of the world. He would lose his senses, seeing fast moving vehicles, aero-planes, air jets and thunderous planes.

Man in olden times was not a worried one, but a carefree one. But, now is a time, when man is in hurry and a lot of worry indeed. He is worried about his future. He is concerned about his off-spring. All this leads him into a state where something worth-while is needed to be done.

And, hence all this speaks of the importance of insurance in our life.
Better get yourself insured now! What do you think?

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