Sunday 20 April 2014

10 Essays for F.A.

10 essays for F; A; 

Any Interesting Match/ One Day Cricket Match

It was Sunday. We had a holiday from college. We decided to see a one-day cricket match. It was to be played between India and Pakistan. We could see it on television. But, my friends suggested watching it in the stadium. “It is very enjoyable to watch it live, in the stadium”, said one of us. So, we decided to go and watch it in the stadium. We got the tickets and entered the stadium. There was a great rush of people. We took our seats.
In the meantime, there was a toss. The Pakistani team won the toss and elected to field first. The Indian openers entered the ground, waving their bats. In the first few overs, there were no remarkable scores. But, then they started making runs fast. They hit fours and sixes. Soon, the score reached above one hundred.
Then, as it happened, the opening broke. The first one lost his wicket and then the second one. After that, no batsman stood long enough to raise the score to two hundred. They were all out for 197. Sohail Tanveer got four wickets. Fawad Alam got three and Shahid Afridi got two. One was run out.
Now after some time, the Pakistani openers came out. They started making runs at a snail’s pace. Our openers could not do any thing worth-while. Their wickets fell one after the other. Pakistani team made only 45 runs for five. Then Muhammad Yousaf and Inzmamul Haq scored a lot of runs. They raised the score to 156. Then Muhammad Yousaf got out, playing a stroke. Now Shahid Afridi came to bat. He, with Inzi raised the score to 189. At this stage, Inzi got out. The next batsman came. The score was leveled. And then there was a winning stroke by Afridi. Pakistan team won.
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Noshahi Academy, Pattoki
CONTACT # 0321-4442942, 049-4421993

Hobbies/ Pastimes

            Life in olden times was very simple. Man had just to hunt for food. He lived in caves or jungles. He spent his time in hunting or being in his family. He had, in fact, no spare time which he would have to spend otherwise. Then with the passage of time there was a great revolution. Things started in simple form but turned into complex one.
          Now is a different time. Things are quite different from the things which used to be there in the past. With the invention of new things, the atmosphere has changed. We have to work hard. At the same time, we have some spare time. Machines have taken over much of our work. That is why we feel comforted. We have leisure. Now we need things to do in order to be busy. We resort to some activities. These activities are called hobbies or pastimes.
          Let us see the difference between a profession and a hobby. Profession is the duty which we render to earn some money. On the other hand, hobby is the activity that we render in order to get pleasure.
          There are many hobbies. Gardening, stamp-collecting, coin-collecting, sight-seeing, games, reading magazines and newspapers are all hobbies. Some hobbies are very expensive; the others cheap. The rich people have ample time and money which they spend on their hobbies. But, the poor have simple hobbies on which they do not have to spend much. Gardening is one of such hobbies. Then there is stamp-collecting.
          We can divide hobbies in two kinds. The first kind is advantageous; the other one dangerous. As far as the first kind is concerned, it is useful. For instance, gardening is there. It is very useful, not only for the one who adopts it but also for others. Greenery is the beauty of the earth. You feel comforted, your friends and relatives feel delighted to see greenery. Similarly, stamp-collecting is informative. Coin-collecting is also the same. On the other hand, kite-flying and loud music are very dangerous hobbies.
          It is our duty to be a useful citizen. We should avoid harmful hobbies. We should adopt such hobbies as are useful. The hobbies should be such as not to harm or disturb any body. Only doing so, can we be good citizens.                                                                                   (382 words approx.)

A presentation of:
Noshahi Academy, Faisal Colony, Pattoki
Contact # 0321-4442942

Human life was very simple in the beginning. Man lived in caves or jungles. Then he started making huts. He hunted for his food. He led a very hard and trouble-some life. He worked from morning to evening. He slept early and got up early. He was healthy as his hard-work supplied him with energy.
          With the passage of time, new things were invented. Many things of comfort were introduced. Man became easy-going. As a result, he became weaker and weaker day by day. His problems increased, his worries built up.
          Now man is facing so many problems. Pollution is one of the main problems of man. Pollution means “impurity”. When we throw our garbage here and there, it creates pollution. We pollute the air with smoke. We pollute the water with industrial waste. We pollute the land by throwing used up material carelessly and thoughtlessly.
          There are many kinds of pollution. Air pollution is there. The air we breathe in is impure. A lot of smoke and dust particles are there in the air. When we breathe, harmful germs get into our body. As a result, respiratory system is damaged. Second is the land pollution. People throw their garbage here and there. It causes land pollution. Third one is the water pollution. When water pollution takes place, it causes certain diseases. When we drink it, germs get into our body. Further-more is the noise pollution, which breaks our nervous system. It also creates hearing problems. .
          Pollution in its all kinds is dangerous. We can minimize it through joint efforts. The government and the people both should fight against this evil. The early we do something to minimize it, the better.      (282 words)

These notes have exclusively been prepared for the students of Noshahi Academy Pattoki and are given to them free of cost.

CONTACT # 0321-4442942, 049-4421993

Importance of Computers/ Information Technology/
Importance of Computer Education/ Computer Education

            Human life was very simple in the beginning. Man lived in caves or jungles. Then he started making huts. He hunted for his food. He wore leaves of plants or trees. He travelled on foot. Human population increased. Then by and by, man started thinking of making things better. With the passage of time, he went on improving things. With the help of science, he made many things for his ease and comfort. There was a great revolution, especially during the last few centuries.
          With the invention of computers, the speed of progress increased many-fold. When we speak of information technology, we usually refer to computers. Most of us do not know the real meaning of I.T. We do not know the difference between computers and information technology. These things are inter-related. Computers are the roots and fruit. Information technology means, “Data or information processed and forwarded through computers”.
          Now let us see what a computer means. Computer is a device or a machine that processes a data. It can also store data in its memory. It calculates things very fast. It can solve Mathematical problems in seconds. It is a useful machine which helps us in almost every field of life. It has become a part and parcel of modern technology. We need computers in schools, colleges and offices. We need them in our factories and mills. We need them for our defense. We need them in our communication. We need them every where.
          All these things speak of computers and importance of computer education. It seems that without computers and without computer education, we can do nothing. Our life would become dull and drab without them.
                                                                                                            (278 words)
These notes have exclusively been prepared for the students of Noshahi Academy Pattoki and are given to them free of cost.

CONTACT # 0321-4442942, 049-4421993

My Hero in History/ My Favourite Poet

            History is full of great men. They belong to one country or the other. They marked their name with hard work. They worked day and night selflessly. They had an aim before them. They got their aim, and thus became immortal in history.
          There have been many great figures in the freedom movement of Pakistan. Muhammad Ali Jinnah is the founder of Pakistan. I like and respect him very much. But, the idea of Pakistan was first given by Allama Muhammad Iqbal. That is why Allama Iqbal is my favourite hero in history. He is also my favourite poet. For his great services and poetry, he is called the “Poet of the East”.
          Allama Iqbal was born in 1877 at Sialkot. His real name was Muhammad Iqbal. He got his early education in Sialkot. He did his F. A. from Murray College, Sialkot. Then he moved to Lahore. Here he did M. A. in Philosophy from Government College, Lahore. After that, he started teaching here. Then he moved to England and Germany. He got two degrees from these countries.
          When he came back, he started practicing law. In those days, the English ruled sub-continent. The Muslims were backward. Iqbal wrote great poems to awake them from their deep sleep. He was requested to preside over the All India Muslim League session at Allahabad in 1930. It was here that he gave us the idea of Pakistan.
          Iqbal is famous for his poetry. He wrote great poems. His poetry has been translated in many languages of the world. His famous books are; Bang-e-Dra, Bal-e-Jibreel, Piam-e-Mashriq and Zarb-e-Kaleem. He died in 1938. His tomb is by the side of Badshahi Masjid, Lahore.
          May Allah shower His blessings upon him!                     

CONTACT # 0321-4442942, 049-4421993

My First Day in College

            Life is full of memories; pleasant and unpleasant. Some of the memories are forgotten easily. But, there are some memories that go a long way in life. They are ever green in mind. We can recall them any time, any where. First day in college and the last day in college are very important in one’s life.  
          My first day in college is still green in my mind. I can never forget it. It is important for many known and unknown reasons. It was a pleasant day when I entered the college compound. I was a little bit confused to see the grand building. Some students were sitting in the college lawn; some reading and others just chatting.
          I went to a student whom I saw near the gate. I told him that I wanted to get admission. I requested him to guide me. He was a naughty boy. He took me to the reading room. There he told his friends that I wanted to get admission. They started laughing. They said, “Why don’t you tell him”. One of them was a very cooperative boy. He looked serious to me. He took me to the office. He got me a prospectus. He filled out the form for me. Then we submitted it.
          When all this was over, I asked him his name. He told me his name. I thanked him and tried to leave. He said, “No, my dear! Not yet”. He took me to the college café. There he offered me tea.
          It is many months since we met, but he is still my friend. He is a business-man now. I am still in the process of learning. I can’t forget this friend, nor my first day in college when he met me.           (294 words)

CONTACT # 0321-4442942, 049-4421993

My Last Day in College

            Life is full of memories; pleasant and unpleasant. Some of the memories are forgotten easily. But, there are some memories that go a long way in life. They are ever green in mind. We can recall them any time, any where. First day in college and the last day in college are very important in one’s life. 
          My last day in college is still green in my mind. I can never forget it. It is important for many known and unknown reasons. It was a wonderful day indeed. Every thing looked strange to me, though very familiar. I had strange feelings this day. It was going to be my last day in college. There was going to be held a farewell party.
          I entered college with my college-friends. Every thing was ready when we reached. The function started with the recitation of the Holy Quran. After that some students made speeches. Every body felt sad to think of departing each other. And this is what every speaker tried to express.
One of my college-fellows sang a song. It was like this:

In the end, our principal made a speech. He inspired us with his experiences. He expressed good wishes for us all. He gave us some pieces of advice.
Now was the time for the party. There was tea with cakes. Every body enjoyed the party. When every thing was over, we came back with sad and heavy hearts. It is many months since this function ended, yet its memories are still green in my mind. I think I won’t be able to scrape these memories from my mind.   
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CONTACT # 0321-4442942, 049-4421993

Any Interesting Match/ Any Match I have witnessed/
Any Drawn Match

It was Sunday. We had a holiday from college. We decided to see a hockey/ football match. It was to be played between India and Pakistan. We could see it on television. But, my friends suggested watching it in the stadium. “It is very enjoyable to watch it live, in the stadium”, said one of us. So, we decided to go and watch it in the stadium. We got the tickets and entered the stadium. There was a great rush of people. We took our seats in accordance with the seat numbers. Every one was delighted. Every one was looking forward to the start of the match.
Now the teams entered the ground. Pakistani team entered first. They stood together. Then the Indian team came out. They stood face to face with the Pakistani team. The players were introduced to one another. They shook hands with each other.  
          The match started on time. Both the teams were strong. Each team tried its best to score a goal. But, there was no goal till it was interval. The players had entertainment. We also had it. After some time, the play started again. Now there was a hard struggle from both the sides. Soon, there was a goal. It was from Pakistan. There was a lot of noise. Every one cheered the Pakistani team.
          Now was left a short time. We prayed for the time to end early. But, the Indian team scored a goal only five minutes before the end. There was a roar of cheers. Then the whistle blew and the match ended in a draw. Both the teams were happy. It was an interesting but drawn match. We enjoyed every bit of this match.                   
                                                                                      (285 words)

CONTACT # 0321-4442942, 049-4421993

Floods in Pakistan/ Recent Floods

Floods, earth-quakes, storms are heavenly catastrophes. They sometimes cause irreparable losses of life and property. We should forestall to check them. There are a few things we can’t control. Yet, there are things which we can face wisely and minimize their bad effects.
Floods in Pakistan render a lot of losses every year, especially in the rainy season. The areas and villages located near the river-beds are badly affected. The houses in such areas are usually made of mud. Houses made of bricks can stand minor floods, but mud- houses are easily swept by water waves. Floods damage crops also. People are made homeless. Cattle are flowed away. Mud houses are destroyed. Sometimes death toll reaches thousands and millions.
There are many causes of floods. The first cause is the cutting of trees. Trees have been cut mercilessly in our country. Influential persons are eating up forests. This is in every green area of Pakistan. Changa Manga forest has been eaten badly. Similar is the case with Swat valley. It is a pity that no action has so far been taken against such timber mafia. The second cause is the lack of dams. The third cause is the lack of education. The fourth cause is corruption which is eating up the resources of the country.

Recent floods in Pakistan caused much loss. Thousands of people were drowned. Same is the case with the cattle. Millions of houses were ruined. Crops were also damaged. Some villages disappeared totally. Floods affected all the five provinces of the country. The loss is irreparable, yet we should not lose heart. We are a brave nation. We should rise to the occasion and set to the work of restoration.

Flood-funds are being raised by the government. Nobody is ready to put faith in the corrupt government. No country is ready to donate. Publicly, a few sincere leaders are trying to raise funds. Amongst them is Imran Khan, Geo channel, Waqt channel, Express channel etc.

The fact is that we have forgotten God and the result is his annoyance. We should beg His forgiveness and mend our ways. This is the only solution to our problems.                                                             
                                                                                                (360 Words approx.)

Prepared at:
Noshahi Academy Pattoki
Contact # 0321-4442942

Life without aim is useless, aimless and pointless. Life is a great blessing of God. It should be spent on a purpose, with certain aim. Otherwise, there will be no difference between the life of man and that of animals.

          Life is olden times was simple. Man had to hunt for food, nothing more. But, now is a different time. We have new challenges to meet. We have new problems to solve. So, one should be ready for all these things. One can face life and its problems with a plan. Without a plan, life would be difficult to lead.

          I want to become a teacher. The question is why so. There are many other professions. One can be a doctor, earning a lot of rupees daily. One can be an engineer, getting thousands of rupees as salary. One can be a shop-keeper earning lots of profits. One can also be a trader, selling things and earning lots of profits. Why then a teacher?
          I want to become a teacher because I love this profession. Not only that I love it, but also for its greatness. I know teachers in our country are low-paid. I also know that people don’t think this profession as a great one. They think that teachers are merely teachers, with no high status in life.

          I admit, teachers are not given proper status in our society. But, all the same, I like this profession. I think teaching is the highest job to do. It is because teachers bring light of knowledge in the lives of the people. They take them out of ignorance. They teach them good values.

          This is what I think, I believe. In my opinion, a poor literate man is better than an illiterate rich man. So, that is why I want to be a teacher. This is my aim in life.

                                                                             (310 words)

CONTACT # 0321-4442942

1 comment:

  1. Please or essays paste kijiye for example. A visit to Hill station, corruption, co-education
